

November 22, 2018

Useful resources for Qemu 3 on macOS

Some links and useful code lines.I’m running macOS Mojave 10.14.1 on a Mid 2012 MacBook Pro 13”.
This is my qemu.command file:

cd "$(dirname "$0")"
./qemu-system-ppc -L pc-bios -boot c -M mac99,via=pmu -m 1024 -prom-env 'auto-boot?=true' -prom-env 'boot-args=-v' -prom-env 'vga-ndrv?=true' -drive file=MacOSXLeopard.img,format=raw,media=disk -netdev user,id=network01 -device sungem,netdev=network01
Mac OS X Leopard runs well.I followed this guide on emaculation.com installed it from my Mac OS Leopard DVD. Check the Boot from a real CD section in the guide. Remember the -M mac99,via=pmu option and to change -boot d to -boot c when you are done with the installation procedure.From the part dedicated to Mac OS X 10.5 installation:
Mac OS X 10.5
Command-line options to install Mac OS X 10.X:

./qemu-system-ppc -L pc-bios -boot d -M mac99,via=pmu -m 512 -hda <hd image file> -cdrom <iso file of installation media> -netdev user,id=mynet0 -device sungem,netdev=mynet0